
California consistently creates more business and economic opportunity than any other region in the world. If your business is considering expanding or relocating to California, our office provides no-cost, confidential services for incentives. Our team of business consultants will guide you through the available tax credits that are available to your business.

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Popular Incentives

California Competes Tax Credit

The California Competes Tax Credit is an income tax credit available to businesses who want to relocate, stay, or grow in California. Our team provides no-cost consultations to see if your business qualifies.

Advanced Transportation and Manufacturing Sales and Use Tax Exemption

The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) offers a full sales and use tax exclusion to manufacturers that promote alternative energy and advanced transportation.

Research & Development Tax Credit

A business may qualify for an income tax credit if it paid for or incurred qualified research expenses while conducting qualified research activity in California. Qualified research expenses include wages, supplies, and contract research costs.

ZEV Funding Opportunities

Major State Investments K 16California and local governments offer a variety of incentives, financing options, and grants to help property owners, businesses, and California residents transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and install ZEV infrastructure with a skilled workforce. Click below for a list of resources that can help.

Popular Incentives

Employment Training Panel

The Employment Training Panel (ETP) provides funding to employers for training that upgrades the skills of their workers.

Economic Development Rate Program

This program gives special utility discounts for businesses that require high-energy loads to operate or continue operating in California.

CalSeed - Investing in California’s clean energy future

CalSEED is one of several initiatives funded by the California Energy Commission EPIC program to advance energy innovation. CalSEED grants of up to $600,000 are awarded to early-stage clean energy entrepreneurs to accelerate California’s clean energy goals.

California Office of the Small Business Advocate
1325 J Street, Suite 1800

Sacramento, CA 95814
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